Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My Life is Full...

This is one of my favorite pictures of me and Lindsay. 

I remember when we took this picture.  I love how we are hanging on to each other.  

I love my wife.

On August 11, 2011 we will have been married for 5 years.  As I reflect on what has happened over the course of the past five years, I can see why a picture like the one above is so comforting to me.

Lindsay has been my absolute best friend.  She has walked the past five years with me with incredible love offered daily.

Our wedding was picture perfect.  We loved the entire day from start to finish.  Lindsay carried herself with grace and dignity; with love and joy.  We were ecstatic from the moment we woke to the moment we fell asleep.  We wasted no time starting a time at all!

The birth of Ava was incredible...our first child.  Raising Ava has been one pleasure after another...and we are eager to experience more of the same as her future unfolds.  She brings joy and laughter to our days.

Our boy Henry coming into the world proved just as amazing.  We had a girl and now we had a boy!  The bond that Henry has formed with us has drawn us so very close to him.  He keeps us close to him and enters our hearts daily.

The arrival of Ella completed our family.  The sense of fulfillment, completeness, and joy felt by us when we first held her let us know that our family was here.  Each moment spent with Ella fills us with love and adoration.  She draws us close to her and to each other.

Through the birth of our children Lindsay has shown me that life is more precious than I ever imagined.  The strength she has is inspirational.  Not only did she carry our three children and bring them into this world, she has carried me when I needed it most.

We witnessed our 3 children coming into this world in a matter of 4 years.  In those same four years we have watched 4 close people leave this world;  Tessa Casten, Henry Gibson, Sabine Casten, & Julia Koclanes (Casten).  

Through those losses Lindsay has stood strong with me.  Holding me when I felt weak, crying with me when overwhelmed, laughing with me over memories, keeping me in reality as I ventured away from it seeking answers.  She shared her thoughts, her emotions, and her fears with me. All the while she took impeccable care of our  family.

Lindsay is a beautiful person.  Her love of life, and for the people who make up our lives, holds true forever.  

I suppose I could write a book about what we have experienced over the past five years...for now though, I leave you with a poem that I offer to my wife on our 5th wedding anniversary.

My Life is Full

When wrapped around me your arms become;
my life is full.
When smiles from you reach my eyes;
my life is full.
When thoughts about you fill my head;
my life is full

My life is full
with you so close.
My life is full
since we first met.
My life is full
each day we wake.
My life is full
with each laugh & tear we make.

Through times of joy;
my life is full.
Through endless nights;
my life is full.
Through times of despair;
my life is full.
Through all we face;
my life is full.

My life is full
for you are in it.
My life is full
for you have become it.
My life is full
for we are one.

I cannot say,
nor write or sing;
I cannot show you anything.
I cannot tell or recite to you;
How full my life is because of you.

Take these words,
to fill your heart;
Take these words,
to fill your soul;
Take these words as they are true;
Take these words: 
I Love You~

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